Are you having trouble with your voice? Looking to increase your skill as a singer or your chops as a coach? You can apply to work with Chris or Steve of The Naked Vocalist podcast, one to one. Both of us are highly experienced coaches and have worked to develop training in conjunction with voice scientists, doctors, specialist coaches and industry insiders. All this is to help YOU bust open those barriers and smash those goals.
“But I’m in America!”
That’s fine. Most of our listeners are international. All you need is Skype on your phone or laptop and you’re good to go. Just choose your coach below and book!
Steve Giles
Steve is proud to hold his position on the board of directors for global teacher network Vocology in Practice.
His international performance and vocal coaching career has taken him across the world - Australia, Europe, and Hollywood - empowering thousands of singers to sing better, for longer, and assisting in their professional endeavours.
Steve has created many organisations that utilise singing to benefit the lives of others: Love Soul Choir (pop choir organisation) | Singfinity (holistic singing) | co-founded Tempo Wellbeing Ltd (singing for mental health) | co-founded The Naked Vocalist (top singing podcast on iTunes).
His groups have made it to the BBC, Channel 5, and Steve has even assisted Gareth Malone OBE with his television choirs (‘Big Sing’ and ‘Gareth’s Invictus Choir’).
Chris Johnson
Chris is a highly experienced vocal coach who understands the demands on performers today, and the vital role voice training plays in developing and sustaining vocal range and strength, night after night. He has helped thousands of vocalists to be the best possible version of themselves through the highest level service and support.
Trained in vocal manual therapy, massage and myofascial release, Chris can also bring these extra skills into his sessions to skip you over those occasional vocal ‘roadblocks’.
Major label contemporary artists, singer/songwriters, West End lead performers, and vocal coaches all trust him to take good care of their voices, develop their techniques, and bring out all of the style and artistry needed to take on THE career. Chris is also the co-founder of popular iTunes podcast for singers, The Naked Vocalist, an author and teacher trainer, and his unique teaching style is in-demand from London to Los Angeles.
Click the button below to book your session or free consultation.